
Mindfindr offers the respondent a personality description based on a combination of scientifically valid universal personality dimensions. The results report may include two descriptions when the scores on some dimensions are balanced.

When interpreting the results it is noteworthy that the combinations of the dimensions are more important with respect to understanding a person’s behavior than any one personality dimension considered individually.

The dimensions may be concisely described as follows:

  • The dimension of information processing describes the preferences of a person in perceiving, collecting, analysing and using information. Persons to the left of center tend to be more practical, paying attention to concrete details. Those to the right are more open to experiences, operating on abstract concepts and future possibilities. While people on the left rely more on their five senses and are usually more traditional in their observations, those on the right tend to be creative, looking for new innovative perspectives to problems.

  • The dimension of activity and sociability describes a person’s typical ways of social interaction as well as the levels of activity and sensation seeking. Those on the left may be described as extroverted, outgoing, socially courageous persons who have strong social presence and tend to have influence on others. Scores on the right side imply that these persons are rather more introverted, even detached, and they are often able to concentrate on their business for long periods. Where extroverts are sometimes impatient and fast decision-makers, introverts may need more time to take decisions and to acquaint themselves with others.

  • The bases of decision-making affect differently the way people react to things, come to conclusions and make decisions, especially in new situations. Those on the left tend to be business-like, logical and objective when making decisions. On the other hand, people who score to the right of the center are more emotional and weight their own and others’ values and feelings when making decisions. Persons on the left may sometimes come on as distant and cool, while those on the right are usually friendly and warm in social interaction.

  • The way of acting refers to the level of organization versus adaptability in respondents’ typical behavior. The persons who score on the left side of the dimension are usually rather more organized, conscientious and planful compared with those on the right, who tend to be more adaptable and flexible, preferring to keep their options open in new situations. Persons on the left feel more at home in predictable environments and when occupied with routine tasks, very often appreciating secure circumstances highly. Those on the right may more easily become bored with routines and may sometimes have to struggle to complete tasks and keep to time limits.

These four dimensions combined describe a person’s typical behavioral modes. Scores in the middle of a continuum mean that the mode of conduct changes somewhat with the type of environments and situations. For these persons Mindfindr produces two different personality descriptions.

Combining these basic personality dimensions yields psychological types that describe behavior more comprehensively. In psychology, as in other sciences, it is important to categorize findings so as to produce more abstract and generalizable knowledge to further understanding of the studied phenomena. However, we must at all times remember that the persons having taken any psychological test will be much more as individuals than what the test results bring up. Mindfindr offers the respondent wider perspectives on his or her behavior by providing work style, teamwork style and leadership descriptions.

Personality, work life and and the functions of society

Mindfindr reports serve the individual for example in career planning, when searching for one’s occupational potential, strengths and challenges, or when improving one’s general self-understanding. In organizational usage the reports facilitate developmental processes and serve recruiting, team-building and coaching purposes.

All societal processes, whether related to the private economy sector or public training and welfare service production, demand certain kinds of competences, skills and knowledge of the workforce. Differing personal resources increase the likelihood that persons with comparative advantage in particular competence areas will end in positions where they can best upkeep - and also change and develop - these processes.

We can thus define different personality types also from this perspective, taking into account where different types might best contribute to overall national wellbeing through different roles and functions in society and economy.

However, the categorization that follows does not mean to imply that all persons with a certain personality type would, let alone should, be active only in these roles and sectors.


Personality types

Stabilizers are realistic and pragmatic persons. They often function in leadership positions and sectors related to the maintenance of security and stability in society.

The Pragmatic Organizer
A socially courageous, even very straightforward organizer and trustworthy take-charge person, whose aim at results may at times blur his or her vision of others' emotions and innovations.
The Practical Carer
A socially warm outgoing and caring person, who readily takes charge of organizing and running practical matters in good taste, sometimes at the cost of his or her own well-being.
The Dependable Fulfiller
A socially rather quiet practical determinate take-charge person, who prefers positions of practical expertise knowledge, while may neglect newest innovations and others' emotions.
The Committed Carer
A very trustworthy and diplomatic practical organizer. Often prefers working with matters necessitating taking responsibility and yielding visible results improving others' well-being.

Creators are idealistic and creative persons. They often work in training, education and healthcare sectors and in the field of culture and arts.

The Enthusiastic Initiator
An energetic social inspirator, who motivates others to change. May not want a part in concrete completion of his or her innovations, while being a natural-born networker.
The Independent Artist
A rather private, emotionally sensitive creative person often gifted at understanding others, and likely to produce ethically valuable deeds socially and aesthetically beautiful artefacts artistically.
The Diplomatic Facilitator
A spirited and innovative social organizer with a gift for warmly directing people's actions using shared value-based energies, often bringing around improvements in people's lives.
The Committed Visionary
A socially often rather quiet, emotionally warm and determinate innovative person who finds value-based meaning in improving well-being of others or resolving far-reaching social issues.

Developers are rational and innovative pioneers in various sectors. They tend to work in the fields of economy, research and development.

The Entrepreneurial Innovator
An innovative developer who usually quite boldly envisions new opportunities, often being good at networking socially for realization of his or her innovations cooperatively or independently.
The Resolute Systems Designer
A rather private, self-reliant determinate person who often is gifted at developing strategies to realize his or her innovations or tackling problems with far-reaching consequences.
The Decisive Strategist
A socially courageous self-confident leader, who has an ability to envision and implement extensive endeavours, paying attention to quality in his or her own and others' performance.
The Independent Systems Designer
A rather private person, who likes to ponder over and solve conceptual problems, but may not prefer a role in dealing with and completing concrete routines, despite his or her flexibility.

Doers are practical and adaptable persons who like to see concrete results of their work. They often work in production, service and healthcare sectors.

The Sympathetic Helper
A socially rather quiet, emotionally sensitive perceptive person who prefers working for concrete results in flexible environments. Likes to help others, often neglecting his or her own needs.
The Independent Troubleshooter
A socially rather private person who is gifted at solving technically complicated practical real-time problems very flexibly, preferring to operate individually in dynamic environments.
The Practical Troubleshooter
A socially rather bold person, who flexibly adapts to requirements of practical situations, flourishing in dynamic environments and teams thanks to his or her energy and efficiency.
The Practical Entertainer
An outgoing lively warm person who enjoys working in teams and likes to entertain and help others in practical ways. Being flexible the person may find repetitive routine work tiresome.