Worklife and Self Improvement

Mindfindr Personal service expands an individual’s understanding of one’s potential and strengths, opens up new vistas into future opportunities and provides practical support for career planning.

The term and to some extent also the practise of career planning in its traditional meaning is swiftly becoming obsolete when used to refer to the processes of finding one’s vocational or professional directions after the completion of comprehensive school. Ever strengthening sectoral change in the economy and the concomitant changes in people’s lives bring around the need to make those decisions many times over one’s lifespan.

Those already active in working life are often forced to find new solutions rather promptly when faced with these changes. This situation calls for efficient and practical methods with which to acquire valid information on one’s individual strengths and developmental challenges. This information must evidently be integrated into the context of real economy and labor market prospects.

Two Ladies Looking At A Tablet In A Cafe

However, at the same time the values encouraging individuals to take their potential to full use are on the increase in the culture, as well, thus enabling them to make bold decisions almost irrespective of any surrounding market situation or the stage in their lifespan.

We see that in this metamodern situation, under so called subjective realism, it is becoming more and more common for individuals to delineate and determine their professional futures solely on the basis of their values and lifestyles. This positive option notwithstanding, individuals will have to make these decisions under somewhat uncertain or even very risky circumstances.

Viewed from the vantage point of professional risk management by psychological instruments not everything has changed, though. Still very relevant is the central idea of increasing an individual’s knowledge and understanding of one’s professional potential, relative strengths and developmental challenges. From a more pragmatic perspective, facilitating the process means helping the individual find out where to strike a fruitful and rewarding balance between one’s overall personality on the one hand and work features and conditions on the other hand.

Making these important, while possibly not everlasting, decision-making solely on the basis of general uninformed interests and vague motivations may at worst build up unfounded expectations and lead to detrimental decisions. Thus, information based on valid self-assessment methods is relevant, even though the results and suggestions they produce may not always be expected and desirable.

On second thought, that’s when such information may turn out to be most invaluable!

Mindfindr Personal - Explore your potential, increase options and find your niche!
Mindfindr Personal

Take a scientifically validated test offering a personality description, analyses of your competencies, work style, team roles and leadership styles plus lists of suitable positions at different training levels

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